Fast Boat Nusa Penida - Ticket GoGun Fast Boat Express 50% OFF - Rating:
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GOGUN EXPRESS fast boat Penida is the first and fastest ferry from Sanur to Nusa Penida. The standard international fast ferry is fully equipped with very comfortable facilities, large vessels and fully air-conditioned seats, excellent safety equipment with powerful engine and automatic navigation tracker, and GOGUN EXPRESS provides shuttle service to your hotel stay.

Guaranteed your journey to Nusa Penida and return from Nusa Penida must be very comfortable with GOGUN EXPRESS fast ferry Penida. In addition to the facilities of the fast ferry gogun itself, Gogun express fast ferry is the first destination nusa penida set and docked at the Sanur.

The location of this harbor is very strategic with the city of Denpasar, Kuta, Nusa Dua, and Sanur. So instantly booking GOGUN EXPRESS to become your transportation tool to enjoy the beauty of Nusa Penida.

Boat Safety Equipment:
Life Jacket, 2X Pssg, Life raft, 2 set Life Flare, EPIRP, Fire Extinguisher, Fire Pump, Marine Radio Communication, First Aid and 2 Unit Life Rings.
NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT: GPS Map Plotter, Radar 18 Mill, Sonar Depth Sounder, and Auto Pilot

Fast Boat Nusa Penida price includes:

  • Hotel transfer return for areas: Sanur, Legian, Kuta, Seminyak, Nusa Dua (BTDC)
  • Comfortable boat seat with full AC
  • Insurance cover
  • 2 ways (open date) ticket fast boat to Nusa Penida from Sanur Beach

GoGun Express Fast Boat Penida Details

Specification Mutiara Mas 1 Mutiara Mas 2
Lenght 26.88 M 20 M
Breadth 4.90 M 4.20 M
Depth 2.31 M 0.90 M
Capacity 200 Passenger 130 Passenger
Speed 25 Knot 35 Knot
Main Engine MAN HP 1000 x2 YAMAHA 5 x 200 PK
Build 2008 2014

GoGun Express Fast Boat Penida Schedule

Sanur to Nusa Penida Nusa Penida to Sanur
08.00 17.00

*Price Including Pickup and Drop Service and Pickup Time One Hour Before Departure
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